Immediate and life-threatening issues
please call 911 or the Sheriff’s Office 715-284-5357.

For Electric/Public Works Emergencies, you may also call 715-333-1010 and leave a voicemail with the ADDRESS/LOCATION of the problem, a contact NAME, CONTACT NUMBER, and the ISSUE.

Report Utility/Public Works Emergency
Enter service address of issue, or closest intersection. For example: Washington St & Charles St.
A good contact number, such as a cell phone number. Ensure accuracy.
Your email address; ensure accuracy.
Optional. Helpful if available.
If your power is simply out, no need to select an option above.
Please ensure only emergencies are submitted on this form.
Report Non-Emergency Problem
Enter address of issue, or closest intersection. For example: Washington St & Charles St.
A good contact number, such as a cell phone number. Ensure accuracy.
Your email address. Ensure accuracy.
If applicable. Optional. Helpful if available.
Describe the issue.