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No burning and please be on the lookout for smoke and fires and report them immediately.

Red Flag Warning issued April 13 at 2:02PM CDT until April 13 at 8:00PM CDT by NWS La Crosse WI

Clark; Buffalo; Trempealeau; Jackson; La Crosse; Monroe; Juneau; Adams

The National Weather Service in La Crosse has issued a Fire
Weather Watch for Critical Fire Weather Conditions, which is in
effect from Friday morning through Friday evening.

* AFFECTED AREA…In Wisconsin, Clark, Buffalo, Trempealeau,
Jackson, La Crosse, Monroe, Juneau and Adams.

* TIMING…through 8 pm today for Red Flag Warning. 11 am to 8 pm
Friday for Fire Weather Watch.

* WINDS…South 5 to 15 mph with gusts up to 30 mph.

* RELATIVE HUMIDITY…As low as 16 percent.


* IMPACTS…Any fires that start will quickly become difficult
to control and spread rapidly. Please heed any local burning

A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions
are either occurring now, or will shortly. A combination of
strong winds, low relative humidity, and warm temperatures can
contribute to extreme fire behavior.

A Fire Weather Watch means that critical fire weather conditions
are forecast to occur. Listen for later forecasts and possible
Red Flag Warnings.

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No Burning

Burning permits in the county are suspended. This constitutes no burning within Merrillan Village Limits also on the authority of the Merrillan Fire Chief.Thanks for you Cooperation,
Wayne Lunderville Merrillan Chief

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2023 Appliance & Electronics Round-Up

Jackson County Recycling Appliance and Electronics Round-Up

Saturday, April 22, 2023 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Jackson County Recycling Center 115 Harrison Street, Black River Falls

$10.00 per item for these types of Appliances… Refrigerators/Freezers Washers/Dryers Hot Water Heaters Stoves/Furnaces Air Conditioners Heat or Sump Pumps Dehumidifiers Heat Lamps Heating/Cooling Units VCR/DVD Players Stereo Equipment Copy Machines Scanners Small Kitchen appliances Printers Microwaves Televisions Phones Cameras Calculators Monitors

Any other type of appliance “Spring” is clean-up and clean-out time. This is an excellent method of disposing of these items. Bring them-as they are-you do not need to remove the Freon.

Please direct any questions you may have to the Zoning Department.

No Cost for these types of Electronics… Computers & components Laptops Keyboards

Any questions contact: Jackson County Zoning, Planning & POWTS Department 307 Main Street Black River Falls WI 54615 Phone: 715-284-0220

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Winter Storm Watch

Unfortunately not April Fools. Hopefully the last for the season. Stay safe!

Update: Winter Storm Watch issued March 30 at 11:26AM CDT until April 1 at 1:00PM CDT by NWS La Crosse WI

Clark; Jackson

* WHAT…Heavy snow possible. Total snow accumulations of 5 to 10
inches possible. Winds could gust as high as 45 mph. Blowing and
drifting of snow in open areas.

* WHERE…Clark and Jackson Counties.

* WHEN…From Friday evening through Saturday afternoon.

* IMPACTS…Travel could be very difficult. Widespread blowing
snow could significantly reduce visibility. Gusty winds could
bring down tree branches.

Monitor the latest forecasts for updates on this situation.

More Information & Updates:

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Attention Village Residents

The Village of Merrillan is requesting again that residents not flush products other than toilet paper. No wipes, paper towels, facial tissues, cleaning wipes, Swiffer pads, makeup wipes, etc. None of those other than toilet paper are designed to break down properly and should go in the trash instead.

Issues like this can and do cause damage to our sewage system, not to mention the additional work and cost it places on Village employees and taxpayers. These costs quickly rise into the thousands.

Backups could also occur including into homes if issues like this are not caught in time. Your ability to flush can be impacted rendering your sinks, toilets, etc unusable.

Let’s do the right thing here and pass the message along to your friends, neighbors, and others. Flushable wipes are not flushable.

The images attached are from late last night around midnight when a grinder pump burnt up. As you can see in the photos the reason is obvious. Grinder pumps have lights and alarms that will notify if there’s an issue. If you notice any of these alarms please call us before it’s too late.

If you have questions or concerns please contact us.

Thank you.

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Flushing of Wipes and Other Products

Click the link for the post for images.

The Village of Merrillan is requesting again that residents not flush anything other than toilet paper. No wipes, paper towels, facial tissues, etc. None of those other than toilet paper are designed to break down properly for sewer systems.

We are finding not only wipes but feminine products, plastic wrappers, french fries, spaghetti noodles, and so many other things.

Issues like this can cause damage to our sewage system, not to mention the additional work and cost it places on Village employees and taxpayers.

Backups could also occur including into homes if issues like this are not caught in time.

Let’s do the right thing here and pass the message along to your friends, neighbors, and others. This issue is everywhere. Flushable wipes are not flushable.

If you have questions or concerns please contact us.

Thank you.

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Welcome Deputy Thorson!

The Village of Merrillan wishes to welcome Deputy Scott Thorson!

Deputy Thorson is with the Jackson County Sheriff’s Office and is our contract Deputy. Recently the Villages of Merrillan, Alma Center, and Hixton signed on with the Sheriff’s Office for full time services.

Deputy Thorson will be tasked with ordinance and general law enforcement duties.

If there are any questions, concerns, or inquiries feel free to contact us!

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Power Generation Alert


Dairyland Power via MISO (Midcontinent Independent System Operator) has issued a Max Gen Alert. Generation capacity is nearing limits. The Village will be using our diesel generator to help with the load. Please do your best to conserve power. Additional details to follow.

Thank you.

Additional Details:

This is a follow-up on the alert sent earlier to the Village of Merrillan. Please read below for a good explanation on what this means. In reference to the Village specifically, when this happens or when a “peak alert” occurs, the Village has a diesel generator we run to assist the grid with the load placed on it. There are members all across the grid footprint that do this which helps alleviate the stress, and normally, keep the power on. This setup allows the Village in most cases to receive reduced costs because of the wholesale purchase of power from companies like Dairyland Power. The Village of Merrillan does not currently implement load control, but companies like Jackson Electric do, if one chooses to participate in such a program. If reductions are not met to alleviate the strain, rolling blackouts could occur.

Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO), an independent, not-for-profit organization responsible for operating the power grid in 15 states and Manitoba, Canada. In May, MISO made it evident that there is an increased possibility of rolling black outs due to an unbalance in power generation at peak times and usage during those peak times.

MISO’s Executive Director, recently stated, “MISO’s northern and central regions are at heightened risk for controlled load sheds or planned blackouts.” MISO may activate emergency plans, which would result in load shedding (reducing the demand for electricity) outside of seasonal full load control hours (2 p.m. to 6 p.m., in the summer). If the power grid is nearing capacity, members will be asked to begin conservation measures such as limiting the use of air conditioning. Members should also delay the use of dishwashers, washers and dryers and other nonessential electricity items. These measures take some pressure off the grid to help keep the lights on and help avoid blackouts. Additional details on this, here:

A really good explanation of what all of this this means can be found on the Jackson Electric website, here:

A considerable amount of detail, such as procedures, etc, can be found here:

You can monitor the energy grid for MISO, here:–market-data/operations-displays/

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