The Village is sending a notification that due to recent excessive dumping of recycling and trash, which is above normal and overloading the dumpsters, the Shop will only be open during business hours. There have also been thefts from the Shop recently.
The gate will be shut and locked outside of business hours. The Shop hours are Monday-Thursday, 6am-3:30pm, and Fridays 6am-10am. Entry outside of these times, unless specifically authorized, is prohibited.
As a reminder, there is no regular access to the Village dump, either. You need to call for permission and access. There is also no regular access to the Village water well sites, also due to prior thefts and security reasons.
It is also unlawful to bring trash in from outside of the Village, please see ordinance 8-3-8,
The Village apologizes if this causes any inconvenience, but due to abuse and illegal activity, this is the current solution. Thefts, trespassing, and any other illegal or unauthorized activity will be identified and prosecuted.
If there are any questions, concerns, or special accommodations necessary, please let us know.