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Power Lines Down

*UPDATE* See images below. A truck or something similar must have caught the lines somehow causing considerable damage. Currently until repairs and inspections can be completed there are a total of two customers out, including the Mexican Store. We made several attempts ourselves and through the Sheriff’s Office to reach the owner but have had no luck.

We are aware of the downed power lines at Main & Pearl. You may not have power. Restoration efforts are underway.

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Board Meeting Changes

The Village of Merrillan Board has passed changes to the date and time we hold our regular monthly board meetings. Beginning February 8th, 2024 board meetings will be held the Second Thursday of each month at 6:30 PM (1830hrs). The updated ordinance can be found here:, Title 2 – Chapter 2 Village Board – Sec. 2-2-9 (Meetings).

As always we will continue to post agendas and minutes on the website and our board meetings can also be attended in person or viewed virtually. The Google Meet link is at the top of each agenda and linked on our calendar events on the website,

Thank you!

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Incoming Winter Storm

The Village of Merrillan wants to remind residents of reporting options during inclement weather that results in power outages or other major issues. Hopefully this Winter storm will spare us, but in the meantime if an issue comes up please make reports on our website listed below. Wet, heavy snow, along with the wind can easily take power out not just within the Village but on lines that lead into the Village from miles away that connect us to the grid. This type of weather can easily result in long restoration times.

If you know of someone who does not have Internet access you can provide the following phone number for them to call and leave a message to report power outages as well, but please only use the number for those without online access and only for power outages.

1-334-715-0797 (0PWR)

If you have an actual emergency please call 911 (ex. fire, threat to life/property, etc) or the Sheriff’s Office 715-284-5357.

As always, any questions, please reach out. Be safe and weather-aware.

– Village of Merrillan

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Notice: Village Shop Access

The Village is sending a notification that due to recent excessive dumping of recycling and trash, which is above normal and overloading the dumpsters, the Shop will only be open during business hours. There have also been thefts from the Shop recently.

The gate will be shut and locked outside of business hours. The Shop hours are Monday-Thursday, 6am-3:30pm, and Fridays 6am-10am. Entry outside of these times, unless specifically authorized, is prohibited.

As a reminder, there is no regular access to the Village dump, either. You need to call for permission and access. There is also no regular access to the Village water well sites, also due to prior thefts and security reasons.

It is also unlawful to bring trash in from outside of the Village, please see ordinance 8-3-8,

The Village apologizes if this causes any inconvenience, but due to abuse and illegal activity, this is the current solution. Thefts, trespassing, and any other illegal or unauthorized activity will be identified and prosecuted.

If there are any questions, concerns, or special accommodations necessary, please let us know.

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Coloring Contest: Proudly Public Power!

81 communities across Wisconsin own and operate their own electric utility, providing residents with affordable, safe, reliable, and sustainable energy without the use of tax dollars. We invite you to celebrate the qualities that make these hometown public power utilities special.

If you need a printed page, please stop at the Village Hall. Otherwise please print/save the page below. Read the guidelines carefully.

When you are done, you can send as the document instructs -OR- drop them off at the Village Hall. If you are dropping them off please do so by October 4th, to give us time to scan them in.

Any questions, please let us know by clicking the contact link in the menu above or email

For more information about the Merrillan Electric Utility:

Thank you!

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Merrillan Speed Reduction Petition: Jackson County Board Approves Resolution

Last night, August 21st, 2023, the Jackson County Board of Supervisors approved a resolution in support of the speed reduction petition for the Village of Merrillan. We will now put everything together and send it off to the Department of Transportation.

The Village of Merrillan wishes to thank citizens, visitors, and employees for pushing this, along with Bill Laurent (County Board Supervisor for District 9), Jay Borek (Highway Commissioner), the Jackson County Highway Committee, the Jackson County Executive and Finance Committee, and the Jackson County Board as a whole for assisting with this effort.

The original post with the petition can be found here:

Below you will find the resolution.

Thank you!

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